Chairman’s Desk

Our aim is to stop influx off spurious products available in the market namely pesticides, food and drugs, dry fruits, Saffron, herbs, pulses, spices, dairy products, Sea foods, agricultural products, manures, fertilizer, edible oils, Juices, Fruits and horticulture and agriculture related products which are damaging the industry.
“There is dire need to check the use of spurious pesticide products in Jammu and Kashmir specially in valley as it causes huge damage to our fruit industry, farmers and entire people of Valley in every aspect. 

We are urging every responsible person of J&K, specially urging farmers, distributor, dealers, importers to check there every product to safe for common people in valley. As you must be aware agriculture and horticulture is our backbone of J&K. Let’s take the responsibility to eradicate all spurious product from the valley. We need your support and we assure you the best services and quality testing at state of art analysis and research lab in Kashmir. There is a dire need to check import of all spurious pesticide products in J&K.